The Missing Salmon Alliance
The wild salmon population is declining rapidly
To understand this decline and reverse their fate, we need to work together. This is the simple truth that led to the creation of the Missing Salmon Alliance; a global initiative to protect our salmon by sharing knowledge, raising awareness, and taking action.
Saving wild Atlantic salmon through research, advocacy & action
Founded in 2019, the Missing Salmon Alliance is a collaboration between passionate groups of conservationists—including the Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, the Angling Trust, and our own team at the Atlantic Salmon Trust—who are working towards the same goal; to protect wild salmon. In 2021, The Missing Salmon Alliance welcomed two new partners, Fisheries Management Scotland and The Rivers Trust.
By combining resources, coordinating activities, sharing research, and advocating effective, evidence-based solutions—we can help wild Atlantic salmon survive and thrive in our waters for generations to come.
The Likely Suspects Framework
At the heart of the Missing Salmon Alliance, and central to the Alliance’s strategic thinking, is the Likely Suspects Framework. This is an innovative method for identifying potential risks (i.e. ‘likely suspects’) to wild Atlantic salmon in freshwater and marine environments, and at the different phases of a salmon’s life cycle.
Using this framework will help us to better understand the reasons behind the decline, to enhance and adapt, where necessary, existing recovery plans, and to support river managers and policy-makers in delivering the actions that will create the best possible future for wild Atlantic salmon.