Scientific and Technical Publications

The Atlantic Salmon Trust publishes its scientific and technical reports in a number of different formats.  Scientific material arising from research supported by the AST or carried by the Trust’s scientists, is published in peer reviewed papers and in the proceedings of scientific conferences. Scientific and technical reports are also published in the Trust’s unique series of Blue Books. The series was first initiated in the early 1980’s and since that time some thirty eight Blue Books have been published. The Blue Books are intended to act as an interface between the more formal peer reviewed publications and popular articles on the scientific work of the Trust. It can take several years for some of the more detailed scientific papers to be published and the Blue Books ensure that, with the support of the authors, material being prepared for publication can be made available to mangers and other interested parties in a timely fashion. The series also includes detailed historic information on the management of the large, commercial salmon fisheries, which took place until relatively recently in the North Atlantic.

This section of the website contains a listing of all the Blue Books published to date, complete with a pdf of the original publication. There is also a list of peer reviewed papers arising from the work of the Trust and a list of publications covering recent conferences and workshops involving the Trust. The AST archive holds details of all previous Trust proceedings and publications such as:

AST Progress Reports and Journals (2004 to 2011); Workshop Reports– reports of workshops and other meetings organised by the AST (2010 and 2011 ) ; The Salmon Advisory Committee– reports from 1986 to 1997 ( ).

Showing 41 publications

Atlantic Salmon Facts

Author: Mills, D.H. et al.
Publication Date: 1986
Themes: Salmon and Sea Trout Biology
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Salmon in Norway

Author: Hanson, L.P.
Publication Date: 1988a
Themes: Salmon Management and Fisheries
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