What is the Smolt Highway ?

We’re beginning to hear the term “smolt highway” … but what exactly does it mean? Think of this highway as a giant conveyor belt that our smolts can hitch a ride on, stretching for well over 3,000km from the Bay of Biscay in the south to the Vøring Plateau off the west coast of Norway. We know that our smolts use this strong current to reach their vital feeding grounds, but we don’t know, exactly, how they get there… In…



We Welcome Gordon Castle to our Family of Corporate Partners…… More

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The Atlantic Salmon Trust is not a subscribing membership organisation. We depend for our funding entirely on donations and our… More

Small Streams Course Material

Small Streams Course Material Training Guide Outline Generic Teaching Slides Assessment Stream Characteristics Assessment Biosecurity Assessment Health and Safety  … More


Coastal Waters provide the transition environment for both salmon and sea trout when they leave fresh water as smolts, and… More


The vast area of the North Atlantic Ocean is the home of the Atlantic Salmon. It is where there is… More


The freshwater environment This section of the website is designed to give the reader an introduction to the freshwater environment…. More

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