Today (Wednesday 14th March) at 10am the Scottish Parliamentary Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee will hear evidence from environmental NGO’s for their Inquiry into Salmon Farming in Scotland.
Giving evidence are:
Jon Gibb, Clerk, Lochaber District Salmon Fishery Board;
Dr Alan Wells, Chief Executive, Fisheries Management Scotland;
Dr Richard Luxmoore, Senior Nature Conservation Adviser at the National Trust for Scotland, on behalf of Scottish Environment LINK;
Guy Linley-Adams, Solicitor, on behalf of Salmon & Trout Conservation Scotland.
Below is the link to watch live:
The video recording of the evidence session will be archived on Scottish Parliament TV and available to watch at your convenience.
The Agenda and Papers for the Committee meeting is in the second link:
The Call for written evidence is available using the link below. Submissions must be made by 27 April 2018:
The Atlantic Salmon Trust’s position paper on salmon aquaculture can be viewed here: Aquaculture Position Paper Nov. 2016