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New AST Blue Book Shares Latest Knowledge on Invasive Pink Salmon and Red Skin Disease

The latest edition of our Blue Book has now been published and is on its way to Fishery Boards, trusts, and managers across the UK, Ireland, Scandinavia and North America, in another example of our commitment to putting science into action. This publication is timed ahead of the anticipated arrival of invasive pink salmon to our shores again in 2023.

A digital version of our Blue Book can be viewed by clicking HERE.

The new Blue Book is a collection of the most up-to-date research and management strategies concerning two emerging threats to wild Atlantic salmon: invasive pink salmon, and the novel ‘Red Skin Disease’. In 2022, the Atlantic Salmon Trust brought together the top researchers and strategists working on these issues from across the Atlantic and Pacific, for our ‘Emerging Threats’ conference in Edinburgh.

The resulting Blue Book is a collaborative effort with the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research, which also involved contributors from: The University of Washington, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Norwegian Environment Agency, Queen Mary University of London, University of Gdansk Poland, Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Bournemouth University, Trent University, NatureScot, National Veterinary Institute Sweden, Finnish Food Authority, Technical University of Denmark, Marine Scotland Science, Outer Hebrides Fisheries Trust, University of Aberdeen, and Inland Fisheries Ireland.

We’d like to thank all of those who contributed to this publication and we hope that salmon managers everywhere will benefit from it. If you would like to request a printed copy, please email us at

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