Want to support our work and enjoy a great day out? Get in touch with our events team, at events@atlanticsalmontrust.org to come along to our 2023 Charity Clay Shoot at the Royal Berkshire Shooting School, kindly sponsored by our partners at Schöffel Country and Ineos.

After the huge success of last year’s inaugural Charity Clay Shoot which raised over £80,000 for the work of the Atlantic Salmon Trust, we’re delighted to announce that the second annual event will be held this year on Friday 9th June.
Teams of four can enter for £1,600 and individuals can enter for £400. Included on the day is gun hire, cartridges and clays, breakfast, elevenses, champagne reception, three course lunch and access to an exclusive fundraising auction with some extra special lots, including donations from the Tulchan Estate, Diddly Squat Farm and Goedhuis & Co Wines.
Shooters of all abilities and experience levels are welcome, so if you’d like to join us don’t delay!