The Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform (ECCLR) Committee is undertaking an inquiry into the environmental impact of salmon farming in Scotland.
The ECCLR Committee is carrying out this work in advance of the Rural Economy and Connectivity (REC) Committee’s forthcoming inquiry on aquaculture in Scotland, the terms of reference for which will be considered in the coming weeks. The ECCLR Committee’s focus is the report commissioned by SPICe and undertaken by SAMS Research Services Ltd.
This report contains a review of literature on the environmental impacts of salmon farming in Scotland, the scale of the impacts and approaches to mitigating the impacts. The report provides an update of the Scottish Government commissioned report: Review and synthesis of the environmental impacts of aquaculture, published in 2002.
The ECCLR Committee is interested in receiving views directly on the SAMS Research Services Ltd report and its contents. The Committee will not be considering wider issues in relation to the salmon farming sector as this is a matter for the REC Committee.
Details of how to submit your views to the Committee can be found on the Scottish Parliament Website (link given below). The deadline for response is Thursday 8 February 2018. This timetable is to allow the ECCLR Committee to report to the REC Committee ahead of its wider inquiry. Submissions received after 8 February will not be considered by the ECCLR Committee.
For more information on the inquiry and how to submit your views please go to the Scottish Parliament Website:
30th January 2018: Evidence from the Scottish Association for Marine Science to the ECCLR Committee can be viewed here:
6th February 2018: Evidence session with stakeholders: Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, Scottish Environment Link, Friends of the Sound of Jura, Loch Duart, Scottish Environment Protection Agency, the Scottish Government and Highland Council. Can be viewed here: