AST was recently invited by our friends in FishPal to work with them and the Angling Trust in producing a short film on Catch & Release.
Anne Woodcock of FishPal approached Allendale Estates who generously gave us the full use of the Bywell beat on the River Tyne over last weekend. Despite almost mid-summer conditions, our volunteer anglers provided us with two magnificent seventeen pound cock fish and a beautiful, silver 5 pounder to work with. Fittingly the first 17lb fish fell to 19 year old Jess England, the youngest of our anglers and the second brute was caught by 77 year old Tom Robinson! The film crew of Andy Ford and Laurence Weaver of Ford Media, did a splendid job in capturing all of the action. In the film Professor Ken Whelan shows how to release salmon and provides anglers with a set of simple rules to follow when releasing both silver and dark fish. The film will be widely available to all salmon anglers early in the New Year.