We endorse the Salmon Interactions Working Group’s wide-ranging recommendations, which have been published today.
We’d like to congratulate, in particular, Fisheries Management Scotland and the Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation for reaching agreement on these recommendations.
We are now eager to work with all parties to help translate the recommendations into substantive delivery on the ground and support the new regime, as it’s important now more than ever to put the welfare and protection of wild salmon and sea trout first in all that we do.
If implemented fully by Scottish Ministers and the relevant agencies, they will represent a vital step change in efforts to recover wild salmonid populations. After the Group’s prolonged but thorough considerations, collectively, we need to act urgently, as time is running out for Scotland’s iconic wild fish.
Mark Bilsby, Chief Executive Officer (AST)
Read the recommendations & report in full by visiting the Scottish Government‘s website.
Related Content:
Report of the Salmon Interactions Working Group published by Fisheries Management Scotland